Evospace  0.19.0
Modding API
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CArrayA dynamic array container in the C++ Standard Library
 CArray< BaseAccessor * >
 CArray< Biome * >
 CArray< class Recipe * >
 CArray< float >
 CArray< int32 >
 CArray< int64 >
 CArray< KeyTableObject >
 CArray< MaterialInterface * >
 CArray< Mod * >
 CArray< Name >
 CArray< NoiseGenerator * >
 CArray< PropListData >
 CArray< ResearchUnlock >
 CArray< ResearchUnlockLevel >
 CArray< StaticAttach * >
 CArray< StaticBlock * >
 CArray< StaticItem * >
 CArray< StaticResearch * >
 CArray< std::string >
 CArray< String >
 CArray< vec33i >
 CClassAny engine class
 CColorRepresents a color using four 8-bit channels (RGBA)
 CcsNamespace for coordinate system translations
 Cenum_wrapper< t >Use as base for stack specializations to enable enum conversion
 Cevo::lua_stateMost basic lua state class
 Cevo::game_lua_stateWorld tick lua state for BlockLogic lua script part executing
 Cevo::mod_loading_lua_stateMod loading process lua state
 Cevo::legacy_lua_stateLegacy lua state for BlockLogic lua script part executing
 CModMod object
 CPrototypeSuper class for all objects stored in database
 CNoiseGeneratorWrapper class for FastNoise that is exposed to Lua
 CStaticItemStatic part of every item
 CQuatRepresents a quaternion for 3D rotations
 CStaticMeshRepresents a static mesh in Unreal Engine
 CStaticMeshComponentStatic mesh component
 CTableAn associative container in the C++ Standard Library that provides fast retrieval of values based on keys
 CTable< unsigned short, layering_node, std::greater< unsigned short > >
 CTexture2DRepresents a 2D texture in Unreal Engine
 CTransformRepresents a 3D transformation, including translation, rotation, and scale
 Cvec2iVec2 integer
 Cvec3Vec3 float
 Cvec3iVec3 integer