Evospace  0.19.0
Modding API
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cgame_lua_stateWorld tick lua state for BlockLogic lua script part executing
 Clegacy_lua_stateLegacy lua state for BlockLogic lua script part executing
 Clua_stateMost basic lua state class
 Cmod_loading_lua_stateMod loading process lua state
 CArrayA dynamic array container in the C++ Standard Library
 CClassAny engine class
 CColorRepresents a color using four 8-bit channels (RGBA)
 CcsNamespace for coordinate system translations
 Cenum_wrapperUse as base for stack specializations to enable enum conversion
 CModMod object
 CNoiseGeneratorWrapper class for FastNoise that is exposed to Lua
 CPrototypeSuper class for all objects stored in database
 CQuatRepresents a quaternion for 3D rotations
 CStaticItemStatic part of every item
 CStaticMeshRepresents a static mesh in Unreal Engine
 CStaticMeshComponentStatic mesh component
 CTableAn associative container in the C++ Standard Library that provides fast retrieval of values based on keys
 CTexture2DRepresents a 2D texture in Unreal Engine
 CTransformRepresents a 3D transformation, including translation, rotation, and scale
 Cvec2iVec2 integer
 Cvec3Vec3 float
 Cvec3iVec3 integer